Keeping up with the convergents

First, I have to complain a little about the difficulty I had in getting the tweets archived with Storify. It’s not the first time I’ve had trouble with Storify, as much as I love the app. I don’t know of another like it, and believe me, I’ve looked. Like all relationships, I guess you have to take the good with the bad. Fortunately, by this morning, the program had seen the error of its ways and was fully cooperative here at school where I was finally able to finalize the tweetchat during my plan period. Hooray!

Another hooray! for last night’s tweetchat on digital storytelling. Don Goble guest moderated and threw in some excellent questions and ideas, as did all the participants. Digital storytelling is an area that contains so much variety. There are dozens of ways to proceed and they can all be right, just right for your staff or publication. There will always be new tools to learn, unfortunately, seldom the time to learn them. How about putting a staffer in charge of learning and then teaching a new tool?

Check out the archive for lots of links to valuable ideas and examples.

We’ll take a week off for Thanksgiving and then be back Dec. 5 with Sarah Nichols to talk about design!
